Author: Robert Raker
Publisher: Wattle Publishing
When a series of child abductions and murders disrupt the life of an economically blighted community, the consequences have far-reaching implications. The brutal crimes take a different toll on a disparate group of individuals; the scuba diver who retrieves the children’s bodies; the disfigured cellist who thinks he knows who’s responsible; the undercover federal agent; and the mother of one of the victim’s. United in a situation not of their choosing, they are forced to take a deep, introspective look into their intersected, yet isolated lives.
The Diver
The bloated, distended corpses of the people whose shortened lives I had retrieved from the water were clearly visible in the immature patterns of condensation that evaporated gradually on the mirror.
The Musician
I just sat there. Looking closely at the gun, I cocked the trigger back and forth repeatedly, like a curious child studying the physics of a toy, wanting to grasp the technical aspects of it, what made certain parts of it function and react the way that it did when it was used.
The Model
“The department
wanted someone who knew the forensic procedures,” he said, as
he flipped to a blank page in his notebook. I guess they also wanted
someone who knew the routine of swimming alone with the dead.
In the beginning, I had hated being needed like that. But I had no
way of knowing at the time, when I first shivered at the edge of a
backyard pool trying to remember what the forensics experts had
coached me on. I never expected to be in that situation again. I had
never expected that there would be so many … not here.The Model
How did we get here?
Entropy has been around eight years in the making. I never believed that it would end up where it has. I was reading The Canterbury Tales, and was taken with the concept of several characters, isolated yet connected. The various characters, the scuba instructor, the disfigured cellist, the nude model and the undercover agent came from various portions of who I am as a person and how I see myself, as well as drawing some inspiration from people close to me. Each story doesn’t necessarily go on a physical journey but an emotional one. Some nights I was able to write several pages and others nothing because I write in dense imagery at times, always searching for the proper word corresponding with what I see, what I believe the character would feel. I began writing it based on nothing more than photographs I had taken and a few unrealized and isolated ideas. Much of the time, I use photography as inspiration for scenery and tone. I’m proud that I feel I was able to convey depth, structure and emotion.
Robert Raker graduated with a degree in Journalism from the University of Pittsburgh. He currently resides in Philadelphia where he enjoys art, music, literature and live theater. He is currently working on his next novel.
Twitter: @RobertRaker1
Wattle Publishing is an independent publisher. We publish fiction, non-fiction and poetry. www.wattlepublishing. com
Twitter: @wattlepub
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